Friday, September 25, 2009

Dark Stalkers Tribute Paper Craft

The Dark Stalkers Tribute book is out and about now.
My entry is the Felicia Cat Form Bank. I'd hate for anyone interested in making one to need cut up their book, so feel free to download and print this one. I recommend using heavier paper, such as card stock to print on.
(The other entries are so amazing, I'm still not sure how I slipped in there)

Thanks much to Dan Cole for the photography!


Sheryl S. said...

Aww, this is so cute!

iml said...

This is so cool cat. ThankQ for sharing. Never done this before but Going to give this a try.

Anonymous said...

Hi Katy,
I love you're work. Did i remember correct that you also created those amazing papercraft models of gwen, bone dragon en moa. If yes, any chance to share those? Thank you. Yours, didis

Katy Hargrove said...

Thanks so much everyone! It's really encouraging to receive good vibes from the internet.

Hi Didis,

Yes I also made the GW paper craft. There are plans in the works for them, all be it slow in coming. You will see them again. :)

Sidney Fritz said...

I love that you made a printable version of your Felicia Cat Form Bank.