Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Pig

Drawn in Phtoshop.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Black Moa Chick Puppet

My first attempt at puppet design!

I give up internets...

After a slew of searches I can find no information on sculpting action figures online. I did find a Dolphie tutorial, but what I want to know about are the materials and where to find a selection of small sized joints. There are a bunch of toy moding sites, but that isn't what I'm looking for... There are also lots of standard sculpting tutorials, like on youtube...but they don't go into the joints from what I've seen. They only cover the artistic side.
:P I boo lack of information!
Here are links to what I did find:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Faux Stained Glass idea in Full Effect!

The black hot glue finally arrived and this is my first pass at using it. Click the album link for the tutorial! :D

I also made an Instructables page for it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Chicken Scratch

Quick pencil sketches.

I've been trying to break down human faces more lately. I've always had an aversion to drawing people. Time to get over that! Now if only I can start drawing them out of profile... I came up with this odd angle technique that has been very useful to me, but like any technique it could become a crutch, something that prevents me from learning more.

Urethane Griffin Thingy

I molded and cast my little bath tub buddy over the weekend. This one is made of hot pink plastic that I painted over with acrylics. I wanted it to be black and hot pink, but then I screwed up someplace and went with more natural colors. I've got a frozen bird that I'm hoping to nab the wings from so this guy has some fluffy feathers.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

PAX 2008

If you are near Seattle and are going to this year's PAX come say hi!
I'll be signing prints Saturday August, 30 between 3:00pm-4:30pm at booth #642. Check out the schedule because there will be several prints from different Guild Wars artists each day of the expo as well.

Also, I'm part of the "Three years of Guild Wars" panel at the Satellite Theatre Raven, Room 2AB on Saturday from 4:30 — 5:30 PM. I can answer pretty much any questions you may have regarding the creatures of Guild Wars.

Blueberry Analogy

I just watched the last disc of Avatar. It had to end, and it ended well, but dammit... I still feel unsatisfied. I'm not sure I can watch it again. It's like eating the very last blueberry. It's delicious and wonderful, but trying to eat it again just isn't as good. Barfberry...


Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Yal, seriously, if you love stained glass...but are lazy or don't want to deal with shards of glass all over your house(I'm in the lazy category). They make BLACK hot glue(for hair extensions, whaaaat?!). This has to be the easiest leading ever!

Get yourself a big sheet of plastic, glue on your pattern, and paint in the gaps with glass paint or that plastic glass paint stuff. You could also cut up colored plastic bits and glue those directly on to the plastic, or even directly onto your window!

I just got super excited about this idea and had to send it off into the wild wild world. Eeeeeee, I'm so rarin' to go!

I think they make glue in other colors too, like gold, I bet you could make some awesome fake cloisonné with that. Yeaha!

Friday, August 15, 2008