Friday, April 20, 2012

Rawr! Cuatro sketchbooks for sale

I've got the new book online! 198 pages of sketching and learning over the past year. You can find copies of it directly on HERE. And also on HERE. If you buy through Amazon at least check out the Lulu preview, it has a better image selection.

If you happen to be in the Seattle area you can get in touch with me for a signed and sketched in copy. Just comment on the blog and I'll make that happen. I really like drawing stuff in them.

I'll also repost my book from last year, Rawr! Tres which has lots more animal design work and less life drawing. You can find that one HERE.


  1. Available on Amazon... FANCY!!!

  2. yay! bought one :-) has already shipped and i'm excited.

  3. I'm in the Tacoma area but will have access to a vehicle next month to get up to Seattle. I would love to get a signed copy if you'll still be doing them by then! Do you have copies of the "Tres" book as well, or should I order that one seperate?

  4. You'll want to order Tres online. I sold the last of them recently at Emerald City Comicon.

    Let me know when you're in the area!

    1. Would you happen to have any copies of Cuatro left?
      Sorry it's been a while; medical problem ate up the last couple months, but I'm on my feet again and can get to the Seattle area any time now :)

  5. Replies
    1. What is a good "Where and When" to pick up a copy? :)

    2. Hey, send me an email at katyhargrove1 at gmail dot com.
