Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Quick Stegosaurus heads


  1. theres nothing cuter than an underbite on creatures :D

  2. Katy!
    I'm so glad I found your blog, your characters and creatures are fantastic!
    You probably don't remember, but I came by your booth at CTN last year and said hi :) Are you going to be there this year as well?

    Greetings from Sweden, keep up the awesome work! :D

  3. ^_^ Hello from Seattle! Yes, I'll be at CTN again. It's too fun to miss out on. Though hopefully I'll be able to make it to some of the talks this year. You have lovely work too!

  4. Love those drawings! Dinosaurs rock :D

    I like the top one, he looks funny (in a comic sort of way)

  5. Cool Stegosauruses! I like the little one at the very bottom. Looks like he's got a wig on.
