Thursday, January 26, 2012

quick camels

Emerald City Comicon is coming up pretty quick. I just began scanning in all my sketchbooks tonight. Whew... It's a lot of stuff! Hope to have it all scanned, cleaned, and ready for print this month. 

Really looking forward to the convention this year. A bunch of us from the Sketchwich group decided to join forces in an omega booth this time! Some of the nicest most talented kids around trapped for three days in a giant party box.


  1. Wow great line quality! The energy in these sketches are pretty inspiring. I totally wanna use an good ink pen on ma sketchbook :P

  2. Try using a kuritake brush pen if you can swing it. Though, this set of sketches was done with the default brush in artrage!

  3. Ahaha, I love your killer attack pools of black ink! :)

    I had a random question that I'm gonna hide in this blog, because it's not pressing enough to bug you by email...but I'm the kid with the ipad who hung out and pestered you a lot on the first day of CTN, and we had a superlong dorky chat about the best places to learn about painting online (specifically getting shapes and volume to work). You mentioned someone's blog where he had some fantastic examples of how to emphasize important forms vs. just showing all literal forms-- his site was awesome, I totally sunk 3 hours of my life into browsing through his posts-- but I can't for all the powerz of google find it again. He had an "art tutorials" tag for his blog? He was re-taking a BFA (or at least, redoing old work in character design classes)? He had several pictures of pirates that he was redrawing? If any of this sounds less than insane and/or actually communicates to you who I'm talking about, could you link me to his stuff? Sorry to be a crazy rambler.

    And just to be moderately useful to the overall topic of these comments: I am so addicted to these pens:

  4. @Brushpen

    Hmmmm, lets see...

    I'm guessing it might have been Sam Neilson or Andrew Shek. Try these:

    Let me know if those aren't it and if you can remember any other details.

    I'd been using a black pentel for a long time. I like them lots. Though I've really taken to the kuritake, though its smaller and you can't squeeze the "juice" out of it. Very different experience.

    Have you used dip pens much? Matt and Peter got me into them and I carry wells of ink and brushes and nibs in my pockets now. Probably an accident waiting to happen...

    Actually one already DID happen. But it was worth it.

  5. Eeeeeee ARTSAMMICH!

    Thanks. That brainworm has been bugging me for at least a month now (every now and then a random process will grab a spare bit of my attention: "...Where was that blog again?" and I'll stare off into space for at least 45 seconds, chewing on my nails and being stumped.)

    Oh man, dip pens. I love them! I used to carry them everywhere. The accident that stopped this? Not the anticipated inkspillage... I tend to reach into my backpack pretty quickly, relying on rummaging by shape to find the target object-- and after several incidents when I removed my hand, and then had to remove about a centimeter of brass crow quill nib #108 from my finger... anyway, typing this out just makes me want to start carrying them again. :D

    Thanks for the links! And your sketchbook: it continues to delight and inspire! Good luck at the convention. :)
