Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dragon design on Patch Together

I submitted the little red dragon to Patch Together as a toy design.
If you like him please give him a vote towards toydom!
Patch Together :: Designs :: Hopalong Dragon

hopalong dragon


  1. Nice design! Good luck, and congrats on being named one of the most influential women in MMO development by Massively.

  2. MMcKenna commented 21st Feb 2010
    Why aren't you working for Pixar?

    I have to agree hehe! GO Katy!! :)

    Most influential women in MMO development? Hell yeah!!!


  3. beautiful work you've got here! I've really enjoyed browsing your blog.

  4. Hey Katy,
    I just saw your reply on Ramit's blog, but I recognize your work from CG Hub as well. Awesome stuff on here, and I'm happy to see another artist standing up for our industry :) Take care!


  5. Cool dragon Katy. I also saw your post on Ramit's blog. Good luck in the contest! =)
