Sunday, September 20, 2009

T. Rex head ZBrush sketch

About 30 minutes.
I mainly use clay tubes and chisel to sculpt. Very quick and friendly.

Years ago there were some really cool PSAs featuring a dinosaur and a saber toothed cat used to get kids to brush their teeth. I really liked that dinosaur's head shape, so this one is based loosely on that memory. I think Warner Bros animation may have produced them, because they looked much like Tiny Toons or Animaniacs.


  1. lol, katy this is great! I gasped when you whipped out the square brush and began to look like scales. very cute

  2. I think I remember those dinos. Didn't they feature in a PSA about wearing mouthguards while biking and/or skateboarding? In any case, fine sketch (maquette?) you've made here.

  3. Thanks Nori!

    Boostmetal, yes that is the same series! I forgot about the mouth guard one. I think maybe there was one other one about saving your tooth so the dentist can put it back in if oyu act quick as well.

  4. I might add a body, but really I'm just dinking around in ZBrush.

  5. Oh my, you just made my day. I totally forgot about this software. Now I can't put it out my mind, I have to try it too >w<
    I love the head you made :)
