Tuesday, August 30, 2011

shameless self promotion

Working on a title/logo/thingy for add placement. Graphic design definitely isn't my strong suit, but I feel pretty happy with my Florida color palette. Comments anyone? I'm wondering if it reads clearly.
(just added a few tweaks based on your comments! Thanks much!)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Guild Wars 2 at Gamescom

I'm currently playing GW2 during the Gamescom convention in Germany. Staying up all night for five nights to make the game a great experience for our fans over there. We just released a new video featuring in game footage of GW2. I'm feeling really great about our game and am very excited as we get closer and closer to launch.

I really love this picture of Rytlock with a plush version of himself on his shoulder. It doesn't hurt that I helped design him either. :)

Kotaku had us up on their front page tonight! Rad. Here is their coverage of the undead dragon battle:

You can watch events at our booth at Gamescom here:

Check out how packed the GW2 booth is. It's like this every day. Crazy socks! Wish I was there for real. :D

Monday, August 8, 2011

Women in the Video Game Industry

I will be speaking with Ree Soesbee at the Women in the Video Game Industry event this coming Thursday evening for GeekGirlCon. Admission is free, but you need to register for a ticket on their site. 
Space is limited.