It's still pretty ghetto looking, but I got my paper craft site up. I'm starting out with some simple creations called Paper Wedgies which are these little character banks I've been having some fun with the last week or so.
Some Asura concepts before they became the cute little devils they are. I was hoping for Tapir creatures. ^_^
Designs for Asura NPCs and Vekk. I drew directly over a model made by Scott Albaugh. I had alot of fun with these guys. :D
Some models of Skelk. I love their grumpy faces.
Parrot Tengu!
These weird things are imbedded in the ground so their geoemtry is extended down so they look planted. It also means I was cheap on the texture and so I mirrored then stretched it. I really like the way the textures turned out.
Mr. Pinchy Bird!
This guy is a spirit and has a special effect on his body that animates across him. You can see a line of it running along his wings.
Early Coatl concepts.
When this creature is killed the baby frog hops off his head.
Chupacabra! Rawr! Later renamed as one of the Skelk.
I ran across an old file this morning and thought I'd share some random trivia. About eight years ago I worked at a very, very small studio in Pasadena doing content development. Character design, animation, animatics, storyboarding, story, cleanup, game design, etc. It was way too much work for the number of people and projects we were undertaking, and way too much was expected from a handful of novice artists. It's impressive looking back at what we made and how well it was actually executed. None of us knew what we were doing. One of the projects actually made it a few years ago. It's on the WB and it's called Xiaolin Showdown. The poster below is Xiaolin Showdown when it was still known as Naja and the Celestial Rings. It would have been equivalent to Avatar back then, but a little darker over all. I'm glad something came of it, but Xiaolin Showdown is so different. I was surprised. What is interesting is that despite how different the show ended up in tone and style, the general plot is intact. Also, a character that had been designed by Simon at random one day, which we all liked alot and called "Omi Tofu", became the Xiaolin Showdown lead. We had originally been using him to make and deliver pizza in a flash game.
Here's the intro to Xiaolin Showdown:
The image below is a collaboration of work between the four artists at the studio. Frank, Charlie, Simon, and me. I think that the green character, Goat, and the blue character, Ox, were the ones that I had the most fun with. Charlie and Simon mostly did cleanup on this image, importing everything into Illustrator, a very time consuming job. We all worked hard, but those guys worked really hard! Frank and me did a lot of character design and I'd help cleanup characters once we got enough design work finished. I think Charlie did the logo as well.
Some simple ink sketches from the coffee joint over the weekend. I've been watching too much Miami Ink...<-_-> Also, even though the general layout is pretty standard, I like bringing new ideas to the dragon table. I have one in my head that appeared slightly in the top drawing of a chinese celtic french dragon blend. The head isn't what I was going for, but the rest of the body details were shaping up into something I generally like. I decided to try to design a dragon I would actually consider getting a tattoo of, though I wouldn't get one...I'd change my mind too fast! I started making clean sketches on 6x6 paper recently that I'm saving up over the next few months. A friend and I are going to try and hit up some artist alley booths. I've never done one before, it's sort of scary to think about.
We're back yo! After eleven days of Ecuadorian good times. My only sorrow is that I had no camera to take pictures of the underwater bits because those were probably the most amazing parts. Absolutely loved it, everything, perfect! I was sea sick half the time and it didn't even matter. I did something that five year old Katy has always wanted to do AND I did it in a pirate ship.The wildlife was just wonderful, I geeked out so hard on it! The photos don't even get across what it was like properly...